No Easy Target Read online

Page 12

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Go ahead,” he wheedled. “Fifteen minutes and you can go get a good night’s sleep.”

  She could refuse. She could explain. But both options would lead to complications and explanations, and she was too tired to become involved in either. She certainly didn’t want Lassiter made aware of that strange moment she’d experienced. He already knew too much about that melding that she considered belonged only to her. Just do what Cambry wanted and get it over with. Her hand tightened on the bag and she moved toward Lassiter’s door. “Fifteen minutes. Good night, Cambry.”

  “Thank you, Margaret.” He turned toward his room. “We must sit down and have a chat soon. I’m sure it would prove interesting.” He looked over his shoulder as he unlocked his door. “I didn’t tell you how glad I am that you’re going to help Lassiter. No, not really glad. I’m worried about you. But Lassiter will keep you safe. You’re much better off working with him than fighting him.”

  “I don’t know if I am or not. But it was my choice.”

  “He told me.” He added gravely, “I want you to know that I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

  He meant it. She found herself smiling. “As long as it doesn’t get in the way of your keeping Lassiter well and happy.” She knocked on Lassiter’s door. “I warn you this is only going to work once with me, Cambry.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He was laughing as he went into his own room and closed the door.

  And Lassiter wasn’t answering her knock.

  She knocked harder. “Open the door, Lassiter. I want to get to bed.”

  He opened the door. He was dressed in dark jeans and a navy blue T-shirt, which made his green eyes look blue. “That’s not something you want to shout outside a door at a motel.” He smiled. “It could be misconstrued or regarded as an invitation.”

  There was something different about him, something there hadn’t been a few hours ago when they had checked into the motel. His eyes were glittering and vibrantly alive. The muscles of his body seemed more lithe and exuded explosive energy. She couldn’t stop looking at him.

  So different …

  Then what he had said hit home. “I didn’t shout.” She thrust the bag at him and walked past him into the room. “Here’s your food. And if you’d answered the door, I wouldn’t have had to pound on it.”

  “Sorry, I was busy.”

  He didn’t look sorry. He looked … exhilarated.

  She glanced at the computer on the table across the room. “You broke through the firewall?”

  “About fifteen minutes ago.”

  Relief rushed through her. “What about finding the password?”

  “Not yet. That may be harder.” His smile lit his face. “Or maybe not. I’ll run a brute-force attack and maybe I’ll get lucky.”

  “What on earth is a brute-force attack?”

  “It’s when I gather everything I know about Nicos down to the last detail and let the computer run probable suggestions for passwords. It could work. I’m feeling like everything’s going my way tonight.”

  She could tell that from his entire demeanor. That glowing triumph, the sheer aliveness that he was casting out was contagious. She wanted to reach out and touch him, bask in it.

  She stepped back instead. “Then I know you want to get back to work on it.” She sat down on the edge of the bed. “Go ahead and eat that sandwich and I’ll get out of here.”

  His brows rose. “You said you wanted to get to bed. I didn’t think you’d waste any time after you dropped off the food.” His eyes were suddenly twinkling with mischief. “But I’ll be glad to supply the bed, although I don’t guarantee you’d get much rest.”

  Tingling heat.

  Don’t let him see the disturbance.

  “I’m perched on the corner of it right now. That’s all I need. I promised Cambry that I’d see that you had something to eat. He appears to believe that you’ll fade away if he doesn’t make sure that you ingest a sufficient amount of proteins.” She added wryly, “Though that sandwich has more grease and bun than meat. It doesn’t taste bad if you don’t mind the jalapeños.”

  “I like hot.” He took out the sandwich and unwrapped it. “When I was in India with the CIA, I became used to dishes that would clear anyone’s sinuses for a solid week.” He dropped down on the one chair in the room. “But I’m surprised you were so obliging to Cambry. What did he do to convince you?”

  She didn’t answer directly. “He can be persuasive.”

  “I know. But you were still irritated at me when I saw you last.” He corrected himself immediately, “No, outraged. Irritated is almost as weak as miffed.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I know.” He took a swallow of coffee. “But nothing seems that bad to me right now.” He took a bite of his sandwich before he said, “Though I realize that I should kneel at your feet and beg forgiveness.”

  “You’re joking again.”

  “Heaven forbid.” He met her gaze over the rim of his coffee mug. “I can’t help it. I know that you have a right to be angry. I’m truly sorry I felt I had to do that. But I’m so damn happy that everything has a chance of working out.”

  She could see that happiness shining out of him. Since the moment she had met him, he had been closed in, not permitting her to see more than a shadow of his character. On the surface she had seen only grimness or mockery mixed occasionally with curiosity and charisma. All very fascinating but worn like a mask to hide what was beneath. She felt warmed, drawn to this John Lassiter. “Needless to say, I’m pretty happy myself.” She smiled. “And the outrage may fade in time to a miff if you come up with the password.”

  “I’ll do it.” He drank another sip of coffee. “I just have to isolate the things that are the most important to Nicos.” His smile was suddenly gone. “You might help me with that,” he said quietly. “You told me that you knew him well. I’ve been running background checks on him from the time I realized he was going to be a nightmare, but you may know … details.”

  Details. She felt as if she’d been struck in the stomach. From relief and happiness back to Nicos. “I suppose I do…” she said shakily. “Though I’ve been trying to forget them for the last three years.”

  “It might help.” His gaze was raking her face. “Hell, you’re scared to death. Forget it. I don’t need you. I’ll work it out for myself.”

  “No, give me a few minutes.” She moistened her lips. “I’m a little upset at the moment. I thought generalizations would do, but details are—”


  Black-and-white tiles.

  Rosa begging on her knees.

  “I’ll work it out for myself,” he repeated.

  She shook her head. “I can help. A few minutes … Tell me what you know about Nicos. I’ll see if I can add to it.”

  Lassiter didn’t speak for a moment, his gaze on her face. “He’s in his early forties, born in Kingston, Jamaica. His father was Erik Nicos, a drug kingpin on the island, as well as the owner of several bordellos. Nicos’s mother was Azara Lua, a prostitute in one of the bordellos. She was made the madam of the place when she gave birth to Erik Nicos’s son. She raised Stan Nicos until he was ten and then his father decided he wanted a son and heir for the family business, so he took the boy away from his mother. He was very pleased with young Stan, who was even more brutal and bloodthirsty than he was. The drug business thrived, but his son was ambitious and wanted to branch out into running arms to the rebels in Colombia and the Taliban in the Middle East. They had a conflict of interests that ended in his father being found in a ditch in a swamp with his throat cut. Then Nicos was free to rise to his full potential. He continued with the drugs but often used them to bargain with arms suppliers and sweeten the pot with the buyers. He did so well that he bought himself Vadaz Island and surrounded himself with an army of goons like himself. But he was smart enough to make that island impregnable to anyone attempting to infiltrate or attack i
t. And he believes he’s made himself so secure on and off the island than no one can touch him.” His lips tightened. “Other than that, he’s a vicious cobra who has a penchant for torture, which he enjoys even more than the money I offered him for Patrick.”

  “It’s not only Patrick,” she said. “Patrick is only a means to an end. He wants to torture you. You’re the one who beat him. Of course he wouldn’t give up someone you wanted. And he stretched out the torture to make certain that it wouldn’t end too soon. Not for either of you.”

  His lips twisted bitterly. “You do know him.”

  She nodded jerkily. “I know him well enough to realize that he’ll never give Patrick to you. He may pretend he’ll do an exchange, but in the end he’ll kill him. You’d better find that password.”

  “That’s what this is about. Can you remember anything that Nicos might lean toward using as—” He stopped as he saw she was shaking her head.

  “Let it go for now. I’ll work on it tonight and I’ll ask you again in the morning if I don’t have a breakthrough.” He grimaced. “I’m sure that I’ve kept you from getting any decent amount of sleep again. You might come up with something.”

  “I’ll try; it’s not that I don’t want to—” She stopped. How could she explain the memories that kept blocking anything not connected to that nightmare she had lived?

  Don’t explain it. Try to overcome it.

  She got to her feet. “Then I’d better go to bed and try for a nap at least.” She headed for the door. “Which is better than you’ll be getting while you’re—”

  Lassiter’s phone rang.

  She instinctively went rigid as she recalled the night on deck when he’d received that other call.

  It didn’t have to be Juan Salva.

  It didn’t have to be another horrible photo of torture and pain.

  Hell, it could be Cambry calling to check to see if Lassiter had eaten that damn sandwich.

  But she could see by Lassiter’s expression that it wasn’t Cambry.

  He nodded at her as he answered the phone and put it on speaker. “I said I’d be in touch with you, Salva.”

  “Yes, but it appears that Nicos has time constraints and is too impatient to wait for you to get around to making a deal. You’ll have to do it now. He has to have her right away.”

  Margaret flinched as she heard Juan’s familiar smooth, mocking voice. She could almost see his face before her.

  “He’ll have to be patient,” Lassiter said. “I need at least a week to get her to you. After three years, a few more days won’t be that long.”

  “It’s too long for Nicos. He has a schedule to keep. He needs her in four days. July twenty-third. And he wants her here ahead of time for a little schooling. So two days at the longest.”

  “I said he’ll have to wait,” Lassiter said harshly.

  “Not possible. You’re hesitating.” He paused. “Could it be that you don’t have her after all? That would be a blow to me, and a reason to take action for Nicos.”

  “I have her. But it will be my decision when to turn her over.”

  “Wrong. You saw the latest photo? The next one will be somewhat different if you don’t supply Margaret on time.” He paused. “Nicos just came into the office. He wants to talk to you, Lassiter. I believe he thinks reinforcement is necessary.”

  “Did you lie to Salva, Lassiter?” It was Nicos’s voice. Margaret’s stomach clenched at the sound of it. The same. He sounded exactly the same. “I hope you didn’t. I’ve been enjoying our little talks and texts so much during these last months. But if I find you’ve lied to me or if you fail to give me Margaret in the next few days, then I’ll have to do without that occasional burst of stimulation. I need her by the twenty-third. If she’s not on the island by the twenty-first, then I’ll give your friend Patrick a final twenty-four hours of extreme torture and send you a photo with him minus body parts, including his head.”

  “You’re bluffing. What are a few days more? We can arrange an exchange that will—”

  “We might have discussed an exchange if I didn’t have a pressing need for Margaret. All you’ll get right now is more time for Patrick. If that’s valuable enough for you to give her to me, then he’ll live for another week or month.” He paused. “But I’m concerned that we’re not certain that you’re not lying. I have plans to make. I believe I need to talk to Margaret. Is she there with you?”

  “I won’t let you—”

  “I’m here Nicos.” She hadn’t known she was going to speak until the words came out. She had been standing here as horror after horror raced through her. As she had listened to him, she had felt dizzy, as if she couldn’t catch her breath, chilled to the bone. She wanted to hide. But there was no hiding from him now. “Lassiter didn’t lie. He tracked me, and took me down just as you would have done.”

  “How good it is to hear your voice,” Nicos said softly. “You’ve been a very bad girl. But I’ve missed you, Margaret.”

  “I’m sure you have.” She had to keep her voice steady. “I haven’t missed you, Nicos.”

  “That’s because I hadn’t completed your training. I can make you miss me. I can make you feel anything I want you to feel.”

  “No, you can’t. That would spoil everything for you.”

  “It might be worth it. Or perhaps I can work around it.” He laughed. “I’m going to get the opportunity. Please tell Lassiter that I meant what I said. Patrick dies if you aren’t on the island by day after tomorrow. I’ll need you at Montego Bay two days after that.”

  “You’re on speaker. I don’t need to tell him.”

  “Then I’ll say good-bye, Lassiter,” Nicos said. “Our association has proved to be of enormous benefit to me. I never dreamed that just taking Patrick would cause you to bring me such a wonderful prize as Margaret. Enjoy her for the time you have with her. But please don’t damage her. I regard that as my privilege.” He hung up.

  Lassiter was cursing as he turned to her. “You didn’t have to talk to him. I could see what it was doing to you.”

  “You’re wrong. I had to do it,” she said numbly. “I couldn’t do anything else or he might have thought you were trying to fool him. I’ve seen him blow up when he thought that was happening. He doesn’t think; he just strikes out.” She swallowed hard to ease the tightness of her throat. “He would have struck out at Patrick. One telephone call and Patrick would have been dead. I had to do what he wanted.”

  “Is that how it worked with the two of you?” His eyes were blazing in his taut face. “To keep the peace, you gave in to everything he wanted of you? How could you take it?”

  “Sometimes I couldn’t. But I tried; it was safer for everyone.” She had to get out of here. It was bad enough that Nicos’s words, Nicos’s voice seemed to linger, echo in the air. She could feel Lassiter’s frustration and rage and it was hurting almost as much as Nicos’s venom. “I’m going now. I have to leave.” She turned toward the door. Escape. Run away. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “No, stay.” His voice was hoarse. “I’m not going to let you run out of here and then have to remember the look on your face all night. Everything seems to have gone wrong, but I’ll make it right. I’ll find that password. I’m not going to let you go back to him.”

  “I know you don’t want to do it.” She didn’t look at him as she opened the door. “I know that.”

  “But you believe I’ll do it anyway. My God, after listening to that son of a bitch talk to you like that? I’ll find that damn password.”

  “I hope you do.”

  He was suddenly in front of her, his hands grasping her shoulders. “Listen, I put you in this position. You’re right: I tracked you and then took you down. But I had no idea it would turn out like this. I thought I could use you to stall, set up an exchange, and then get my hands on Nicos.”

  “Yes, you told me.”

  “I don’t know why the hell Nicos got it into his head that he wouldn’t negotiate. Salva
said there would be no problem with an exchange. It seemed as if an ambush would work.”

  She still didn’t look at him. “It probably would have worked if Nicos hadn’t had that date in mind. After that, there was no chance.” She had to say one more thing before she broke free of his hold and got out of here. “He meant it, you know. He’ll do exactly what he said he’d do to Patrick if I’m not there day after tomorrow. There won’t be any question. You won’t be able to bargain or bribe or procrastinate. Patrick will die that day.”

  “Look at me.” His hands tightened on her shoulders as she lifted her eyes to his face. “Why the hell did you tell me that? Do you want me to send you back to him?”

  “I don’t want Patrick to die. You had to know.” She tore away from him and called back over her shoulder, “Find that password. You told me you needed three or four days, maybe a week. Well, you don’t have that any longer. You have two days. But if you don’t find it, you’d better start thinking about what’s going to come next. Because that’s what I’ll be thinking about tonight.”

  She slammed the door behind her and ran down the walk to her room. Her hand was shaking as she unlocked the door and threw it open.

  Two minutes later, she had thrown off her clothes and crawled beneath the coverlet on the bed like a wounded animal. Nothing new. Nicos had always made her feel wounded and helpless.

  No, not at first, not until he’d found the key to punish and take away her independence. It had been a long time after she had run away that she had regained that freedom. And that sense of oppression had come flooding back to her in a smothering tide as she’d spoken to Nicos tonight.

  Fight it. She couldn’t let it happen again. He didn’t have the weapon that had broken her any longer. She didn’t have to let him win.

  But he had another weapon in Sean Patrick and he was using it against Lassiter. She couldn’t turn her back when she had seen that photo that had torn her emotions apart. She could see it before her now and the memory was as fresh and painful as when she had first seen it.

  All right, try not to remember it yet. Right now, lie here and concentrate on healing from that hideous encounter with Nicos. When she was just a little calmer, she would force herself to go over things she knew about Nicos that might help locate the password. See, she was getting better. She had almost stopped shaking.

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